Monday, November 22, 2010

An Outline of the FACTS of Arminianism

Now, the acronym for Calvinism is fairly well known: TULIP. However, the acronym for the alternative doctrine is much less widely known. I will introduce the acronym briefly, and will also provide a link to a much longer statement of faith for those who are interested in understanding what the different points stand for. The protestant Christians who disagree with Calvinism generally follow Arminianism, which can be summarized and represented by the acronym FACTS:

Freed by Grace (to Believe)
Atonement for All
Conditional Election
Totally Total Depravity*
Security in Christ

*Standardly labeled "Total Depravity." I have labeled this point "Totally Total Depravity" to avoid any confusion (or purposeful misrepresentations) that Arminianism may be similar to the semi-pelagic view that man is not totally depraved.

See the full explanation HERE for further details.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I think I just found my calling!

Dancing With Fire

Seriously, tell me *this* does not look like fun! Actually, I don't think that the word "fun" does the activity justice. It goes way beyond "pleasant" and well into the range of "insanely awesome!"

Of course, the element of danger does play a definite role in the appeal of this activity, but you have to admit that it also involves quite a bit of mad skills, art, and the simple beauty of fire.

I think that everyone should take the time to cultivate a skill or two (other than the requisite "Super Smash Bros" skills, mind you), and you must admit - playing the piano has Nothing on this!

Note: This blog does not endorse playing with fire, except in legal venues.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jesus Loves Some of the Children (A Calvinist Children's Song)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
But even children are depraved
That is why they misbehave
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (1)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
Every child deserves his wrath
But some he sets on heaven's path
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (2)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
He died for some, yes that is true
But only those that he foreknew
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (3)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
Those he calls will come to him
If your not called your future is grim
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (4)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
Those he elects will persevere
But those he hates have much to fear
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (5)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
All non-elect our Lord God hates
To burn in hell will be their fate
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (6)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
Some will see the pearly gates
But the rest are reprobates
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (7)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
Why only some? I'm glad you asked!
To display the glory of his wrath!
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (8)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
Some he loves and some he hates
That's his choice, for he is great
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (9)

Jesus loves some of the children
Some of the children of the world
His sovereign will, who can resist?
Don't question God or he'll be [ticked]! (10)
Jesus loves some of the children of the world (11)

(1) Total Depravity
(2) Unconditional Election
(3) Limited Atonement
(4) Irrestible Grace
(5) Perseverance of the Saints
(6) Reprobation
(7) Double Predestination
(8) Calvinist interpretation of Romans 9:22-23
(9) God's sovereign choice and God's glory
(10) There is another word that fits quite nicely here, but I have omitted in order not to offend anyone's conscience. The word can be found in the following scripture passages: 1 Samuel 25:22, 34; 1 Kings 14:10; 16:11; 21:21; 2 Kings 9:8; 18:27; Isaiah 36:12 (KJV).
(11) Calvinist interpretation of Romans 9:14-21

Authored by Joshua Taylor, and reposted here!